Monday, January 7, 2008

a weekend of shooting outdoors in the wind!

Well, it has been a crazy weekend of shooting for some new advertising images! I plan on getting them out in the public as soon as possible and am really excited about the shoots that were just completed for this project! the models were great and i had alot of help from a good friend of mine with lighting and setup/teardown of shooting areas. He even saved a treasured Wedding Veil from blowing into the Bellagio Fountains (with a little help from a tree). I am in the editing process now and hope to have proofs to the printer very soon! I am also working on a banner ad for this blog for my website so more people can stay in tune with what i am up to! if you are reading this and can design banners, please email me at: and let me know as i am swamped with editing images and would love help or feedback on a killer banner ad!

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